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Warmest places in Europe Today (Feb 23, 2017)

2017-02-23 02:16:54

If you're looking for a warmest place to travel to in Europe today or in the coming days, the weather isn't very warm anywhere, but if you're in Finland, Estonia, or maybe German, Sweden, or any other place where the weather isn't the nicest at this time of year, there definitely are places you could check out weather-wise. And looking at the number, I've been to many of them myself, and can recommend a number of them.

Kos, Greece

Right now at 9.49am local time the the weather is just 10 degrees C, but the forecast for today is 17 (with real feel factor of 20) and during the night 11 C. So it isn't the worst at all. Even though the past year news from Kos wasn't the best due to the refugee crisis, I have been there myself and can definitely recommend it. It might be quite empty, considering it's off-season, with many hotels, bars and restaurants closed, but that could also be a good thing.


It doesn't matter much which city we're looking at, considering Malta is just 316 square kilometres in size, but this is one place I can definitely recommend, having been there seven times myself, last time being just three months ago. The current weather, at 8.49 local time, is 14 C with forecast for today at 16 (real feel 20), and during the night 10 C. You can learn more about Malta at my website

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

The Canary Islands are always quite safe bet with possibly the best weather during autumn and winter months in Europe. Never been there myself, but I know many people who have, and while they do say there might be not much to do in terms of going out, it's a warm place. Current temperature at 7.49 local time is 12 degrees C with forecast of 20 (real feel 24) and 13 C for the night.

Larnace, Cyprus

Cyprus is another nice country with relatively good weather most of the time. It's a country divided into two different parts, one part controlled by Greece, the other by Turkey, and with even different currencies on each side. But safety-wise you need not worry, it's all good. Weather at 9.47am local time 17 C, forecast for today 20 C and for the night 9 C.

Faro, Portugal

Faro, or the surrounding Algarve area, is a good bet for good weather in Europe most of the time as well. Nearby is a nice small town of 13k people good Albufeira. It's a nice town with great beaches and bars. Current weather at 7.49am local time 14 C, forecast for today 18 C and 11 for the night.

These (or maybe something else close by each of them) might be the best places to go for warm weather in Europe right now.

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