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What if your next holiday destination was Las Vegas?

2017-01-26 13:04:20

Discipline and straight mind - two things you should bring with you, when you go to Las Vegas. Then again, these two bags might not let you have enough fun. Nevertheless, consider it! Las Vegas is a great place to visit, great place to have fun with a bunch of friends, play, drink, enjoy life as if it were your last day on planet earth.

Special offers for your Las Vegas holidays are easily found around the web, is one good starting point with good offers for your stay.

Las Vegas, as you know, is the gambling paradise of the world, but not only. Because of the number of people Las Vegas attracts and the amount of money usually spent there, you can expect world-class performances from well known names, restaurants thought-through to perfection and all day and night long active city-life. Even children have enough to do there at the Aventuredome theme park, nightly pirate shows and alike.

Lots of different high-class hotels to choose from, each with its own style and face like the pyramid of Luxor or Italian-inspired Venetian, Mandalay Bay with sandy beaches (yes, in Vegas) or New York New York - hotel that has recreated the classic Manhattan skyline with 12 New York style skyscrapers.

The prices for the holidays start at around 700 pounds per day for four nights (and one free night).

Of course, if you're going together with your family, it might not apply, but if you're going with a bunch of your best friends, keep in mind one simple rule - what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. And to travel around there, consider checking out Car rental Las Vegas

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